The Administration Hall - Table of Contents

1. About the Administration Hall
2. The Archive
  2.1 Assistants
  2.2 Discussions
  2.3 Card Catalog
  2.4 Head Archivist
  2.5 The Archive, Protocol and Public Access Runners
  2.6 Who's Who
3. Reading Room
4. Registration / Check-In
  4.1 Reader Registration
  4.2 Public Registration
  4.3 Guest Questionnaire
  4.4 Reader Questionnaire
  4.5 Control Staff
5. Control Center
  5.1 Head Protocolist
  5.2 Assistant Protocolist
  5.3 Public Address Announcer
  5.4 Information
  5.5 Foreign Word
  5.6 Protocol
  5.7 Voluntary Reader Station
6. Café
  6.1 Protocol Scribes
7. Exhibitions
  7.1 "T"
  7.2 Time Capsules
  7.3 Mass Storage
  7.4 Great Archive
  7.5 The Scrolls
8. Hypertext Navigation