3) |
Class "QI,
QII" Files: Personal
Biography Data Files of
Visitors and Readers and from Memory
Arena I and II.
4) |
"QIII" Files: Personal
Biography Data Files for Visitors and
Readers from Memory Arena III; (entered
into the Archive as they are filled in)
5) |
Additional Archive Material
including: Texts
by Archivists about the
process of Archiving (Class "A"
Files); copies of Original Documents
displayed in the Exhibitions
(Class "T" Files), etc. |
Sections 2 thru 5 of the
Archive are available to be loaned to the
Visitors for a limited time to be read at tables
within the Reading
Room Area. The Archive personel
assist visitors in the use of the Card Catalog
and in the selection and the ordering of files.