re: Archive Assistants/Public Access Counter


Archive Assistants assist the Head Archivist within the Archive and at the Public Access Counter. The Assistants are especially concerned with the checking in and lending out of archive materials.
The Assistants are trained in the functioning of the Archive System, including the file classification system.

Receives Biographical Questionnaires "Q" Files for deposit in the Archive and places them in a File Folder which he has pre-prepared with call slip; fills out 2 File Cards, one of which, after being signed by the depositor and stamped with the date stamp is attached to the File Folder while the second File Card is placed into the Card Catalog alphabetically. The File Folder is then stamped with the "Q" stamp. date stamp and the large MA stamp and the original document is stamped with the small MA Stamp. It is then sent by runner to the Archive.


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